June 8, 2015


It's official. The new website is finally done! I hope to see you there!


January 7, 2015


Rainbow, Watercolour and dyed rainbow roses on paper, 2015

Happy New Year to you all my loves. Everyday of this year, it feels good to start afresh with a blank new page to write and draw, and also to pen down a long ambitious to-do list, feeling bright and cheery. This year I have fearlessly decided to take that leap of faith and become a full time artist. Yes you heard me! I may look too calm on the outside, but the inside me is shouting and gleaming with joy!
Still trying to pinch myself that this is real! 

I hope you could share your resolution and dreams with me, I would love to know!

'Because life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.' - Danny Kaye


December 26, 2014


Belle, Cut snowflake and watercolor on paper, 2014

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. Here's a little gift of a dress made of a paper snowflake, for you all mean the world to me and my best wishes back to each and everyone of you!


After 3 months of hiccups, I am finally back, fighting and running! 

How have you all been? I miss you all! I have been really really busy, phew! Talk about year end rush, and December trauma! And cheers for me! I have finally decided to ditch my day time job as a gallery assistant to become a full time artist this coming Jan! I seem so calm on the outside, but inside I think I am exploding anytime. 

And another good news! The Flowergirls calendars for year 2015 are now out! I have actually printed only 100 copies, some are intended to be given to friends, family and clients, the rest for you all, so they are very very limited. The calendar features my best 14 artworks in the past year. And to be earth friendly, this calendar is printed double sided, unbounded (so that you can get creative!), and when the year is over, simply cut off the calendar portion, and you can have mini art prints! 

Do visit here if you would like to grab a set, or email me at lovelimzy@gmail.com to chat or ask anything under the sun.


September 16, 2014


Ladybird in rose red.
Love Limzy.. All rights reserved. © 2025 Maira Gall.